Siamos Tours – Bus lines Greece- Serbia – Poland – Serbia – Greece 2023-05-09T09:07:36+00:00

Bus lines Greece- Serbia – Poland
Poland- Serbia – Greece

The regular bus lines of Siamos Tours can take you everywhere in Europe easily, efficiently and safely. Our professional drivers make sure that you have a comfortable and quick trip. With more than 50 vehicles we transport more than 1000 people monthly and each one of them can confirm the quality of our services.

Greece- Serbia

Regular bus lines Athens-Novi Sad-Athens depart every Thursday and Saturday!
Take a look at the departures!

Greece – Poland

Regular bus lines Athens -Ostrovijec-Athens depart every Thursday.
Take a look at the departures!

Greece – Hungary

Regular bus lines Athens -Budapest-Athens depart every Thursday.
Take a look at the departures!

For more than 20 years we have been dedicated to bus transportation. Speed and effectiveness all over Europe.


Mihaila Bogićevića 5
Mobilni: +30 69 74257301
Telefon: +381 11 7614362
Telefon: +381 11 7614363
Mobilni: +381 63 514717

Novi Sad

Bulevar Oslobodjenja 1
Mobilni: +30 6974257301
Telefon: +381 21 6611469
Mobilni: +381 63 514717


Hotel Ambasador
Mobilni: +30 6974257301
Mobilni: +381 63 5141717